He has worked for G4S, the world’s largest security company, since 2007 – for nine years. His pointing out that he worked for Al Qaeda or an investigation by the FBI clearly weren’t a problem for his career of a security guard. (See also his more recent threats on FB.)
But the video I embedded is even more interesting.
The video is The Big Fix, a 2010 documentary about the tragic BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Go to 36:00 in the video above. A man confirmed to be Omar Mateen speaks for a minute.
While other people were working hard to clean the area, he offered us hardcore conspiracy theories that you may hear from other climate alarmists and haters of capitalism. No one [cares] over there, he repeats using expletives, and the company and the society may want to produce new jobs so they may spill the oil repeatedly and intentionally. He was clearly as crazy a nutcase as James Hansen and other people inventing these absolutely implausible stories about the “Big Oil”.