MIT talk: ‘Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming?’

Via: Robert Spencer – “Is ISLAMOPHOBIA accelerating global warming?,” MIT Global Studies and Languages, May 9, 2016 (thanks to Faisal Saeed AlMutar): The Ecology and Justice Forum In Global Studies And Languages Presents: Ghassan Hage Ghassan Hage is Future Generation Professor in the School of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Inquiry, University of Melbourne Introduced By Bettina […]

Wash. Times Editorial: ‘Climate Hustle’ Challenges Climate Claims: ‘A new documentary questions the official catechism of the greenies’

The documentary played the skunk at the United Nations climate-change garden party in Paris in December, disputing the notion that super hurricanes and tornadoes will flatten areas remaining above water once the melting ice caps submerge the world’s coastal cities. Following the Paris party, the leaders of 192 nations gathered in New York on Earth […]