At one point in our storied history, Morano shows how bad weather, disease, famine and the Little Ice Age all converged, giving rise to the era of witch trials. In that era, witches were considered the greatest threat facing the planet. And those skeptical of the link between weather and witchcraft were quickly accused of sorcery to squelch any debate.
In one of the more illustrative, subversive scenes, the film lays waste to Al Gore’s thoroughly debunked movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’ Using the fabled scissor lift, Morano replicates that well-known scene that raises Gore up in front of a geological graph that shows an unimaginable temperature increase in the last century. Morano reveals what Al Gore chose not to say: that increased CO2 levels occurred up to 800 years after temperatures increases, not before.
And when the geological graph extends further into time, you see that the Earth is in a CO2 famine, and the mythical hockey stick rise in temperatures of the last 150 years isn’t that unprecedented after all. Morano also shows what climate variables Gore conveniently left out: the sun, volcanic emissions and aerosols, cosmic rays, tilt of Earth’s axis, atmospheric circulation, water vapor, methane from animals and agriculture, clouds, the Albedo effect, forests, land usage, soil, oceans, just to name a few.