Bjorn Lomborg on UN climate deal: ‘This is likely to be among most expensive treaties in the history of the world’   Lomborg Skewers Pact’s Horrific Costs for Mere 0.086 Degrees Fahrenheit Bjorn Lomborg, the Danish author, environmentalist, and professor of political science and philosophy, says “Politicians will vaunt U.N. treaty, but its costs far outweigh its meager benefits.” In an op-ed today for USA Today, entitled “Climate change is real, but Paris treaty won’t fix […]

U.S. Signs UN Climate Pact Blasted as Disastrous by Scientific, Economic Experts

  Weather Channel Founder: It’s all Politics, not Science Not surprisingly, the establishment corporate media have provided full-throated support for the Earth Day extravaganza at the UN. That’s par for the course; they have been marching in lock-step on this issue, as shills for the globalist agenda, for years now. The USA Todayeditorial board, for […]

BBC: Rise in CO2 has ‘greened Planet Earth’ – ‘Plant boom’

The new study is published in the journal Nature Climate Change by a team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries. Carbon dioxide emissions from industrial society have driven a huge growth in trees and other plants. A new study says that if the extra green leaves prompted by rising CO2 levels were […]