Drenched by ‘March Miracle,’ Northern California reservoirs inch toward capacity

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-northern-california-reservoir-levels-20160314-story.html “I don’t know if people here will be dancing in their cubicles when [Oroville] hits the historic average, but it will be the first time it’s done that for the duration of the drought. That is reason to be joyous,” Carlson said. According to the National Weather Service, it rained nearly a foot in […]

Study Concludes Cutting Air Pollution Is Actually Causing The Arctic To Melt Faster

http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/14/study-concludes-cutting-air-pollution-is-actually-causing-the-arctic-to-melt-faster/ A new study claims Europe’s decades-long battle to reduce air pollution in its major cities, rather ironically, may be accelerating the Arctic ice melt. While man-made global warming is the main driver of a warming Arctic, the study argues European regulations to cut air pollution has lessened the amount of particles to reflect incoming […]

Aussie Climate Scientist Arrested for Fraud

http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/climate-scientist-arrested-for-fraud.html Climate scientist Daniel Alongi has been indicted by the Australian government on charges of defrauding taxpayers out of $556,000 in false expenses since 2008. Alongi has already admitted to creating false invoices, credit card statements, and e-mails to cover his misappropriation of funds. Alongi’s indictment raises serious questions concerning the credibility of his research. […]

Flashback: Watch: CIA chief: Obama didn’t bomb ISIS oil wells ‘because we didn’t want to do environmental damage’

  Flashback November 23, 2015:  Mike Morell, former deputy chief of the Central Intelligence Agency under President Obama, says the Administration didn’t want to bomb ISIS oil production because of the ‘collateral damage’ it would have caused to the environment. Morell: “[W]e didn’t go after oil wells, actually hitting oil wells that ISIS controls, because we […]