Watch: NASA’s chief climate scientist Gavin Schmidt claims Texans won’t listen to ‘liberal, Jewish atheist from NYC’ about ‘global warming’

Published on Jan 6, 2016 Speaking at a science conference in Washington, DC, Chief NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt says, ‘we really want to allow less science and more cultural understanding’ to successfully message the climate narrative in places like Texas. NASA’s Schmidt: “Now, you know there’s some communities I can’t talk to because, you […]

Satellite Data Shows 2015 Wasn’t Even Close To Being The Hottest Year On Record

Satellite temperature data measuring Earth’s lower atmosphere shows that 2015 only ranks as the third-warmest year on record, and not the warmest year as predicted by scientists relying on weather station data. Climate scientists with the University of Alabama, Huntsville reported Tuesday the temperature anomaly for December 2015 was 0.44 degrees Celsius above the 1981 […]

Climate Skeptics May Be Too ‘Mentally Ill’ to Buy Guns Under Obama’s New Rules   Today, Pres. Obama announced new executive orders on gun control designed to keep “mentally ill” people from buying guns – but, will they be used to prevent climate skeptics from buying firearms? Under Obama’s new rules, doctors can now report people deemed “mentally ill” to the FBI so they can be denied gun […]