Flashback: EPA chief mocked suggestions that Agency violated Anti-Lobbying Act

Published on Jun 15, 2015 Speaking to an audience of mostly federal employees at the 2015 GreenGov Symposium, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy mocks suggestions that EPA is violating the federal Anti-Lobbying Act by employing tactics to influence the public to advocate in support of EPA’s rules. GINA MCCARTHY: “You know, I was recently criticized for […]

It’s over!? Warmist declares Skeptics Lost! Declares Morano ‘Ringleader’ – ‘The Paris UN agreement signals that deniers have lost the climate wars’

http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2015/dec/14/the-paris-agreement-signals-that-deniers-have-lost-the-climate-wars Thus the climate wars have been about policy, not science, and international climate negotiations are the ultimate battlefield. To this point, contrarian efforts to undermine these negotiations have succeeded, but in Paris they failed. The whole world agreed, we need to stop delaying and start getting serious about preventing a climate crisis. We’ve turned […]

UN Climate deal price tag: $16.5 trillion

The deal struck at United Nations climate talks requires an overhaul of historic proportions for energy policies worldwide and a huge investment in cleaning up the pollution now damaging the Earth’s atmosphere. Targets outlined in the agreement on Saturday, involving 195 countries, will require $16.5 trillion of spending on renewables and efficiency through 2030, according […]

Climate activists sour on UN climate deal: ‘It won’t save the planet…it saves the chance of saving the planet’ – ‘Bullsh*t’ – ‘Fraud…Fake’ – ‘Magical Thinking’

Warmist Bill McKibben on Paris deal: ‘It won’t save the planet…it saves the chance of saving the planet’ – “This agreement won’t save the planet, not even close,” Bill McKibben, co-founder of 350.org, a climate advocacy group, told The Huffington Post in an email. “But it’s possible that it saves the chance of saving the planet — […]