Film Exposing Climate Agenda Premieres in Paris as ‘Wanted’ Posters Denounce Morano

On Dec. 7, Morano told MRCTV he is “expecting a huge splash” from the film premiere because it features liberals and scientists who have never publically spoken out before.  “This is a movie made for American liberals and European liberals to reconsider – because we feature French socialists, we feature scientists who voted for Gore, we feature […]

Will he do perp walk?! Morano ‘WANTED’ posters for being a ‘Climate Criminal’ go up in Paris on eve of ‘Climate Hustle’ premiere

Via: Via: ‘Wanted’ posters targets Climate Criminals at Paris summit SANJEEV DEV MALIK 07 DECEMBER 2015 The seven most insidious fossil fuel lobbyists in Paris to weaken attempts to agree a global climate deal have been named and shamed as ‘climate criminals’ in a dossier published by the global citizens movement Avaaz. The seven most […]