France’s Top Weatherman Hired By Kremlin After Being Fired For Questioning Global Warming
France’s top weatherman has found a new gig after being fired in November for questioning global warming in his new book: he’s working for Russian state-owned media. French news outlet Le Figaro reports Philippe Verdier is covering the United Nations climate summit in Paris for Russia Today France. Verdier has a daily news segment dedicated […]
Watch Now: Hannity on Fox News features exclusive clips of ‘Climate Hustle’: First Time Broadcast of Select Clips
Hannity: “A new documentary called Climate Hustle takes aim at many of the global warming alarmists and debunks much of their so-called science.” Here is a clip of the film. [Show Climate Hustle clip showing that no matter the weather, ‘global warming’ is blamed as the cause.] Hannity: “The film even goes after Lear Jet Liberal […]
Cheers to China! Paris Climate Talks Are Doomed Because China Knows ‘Climate Change’ Is A Hoax
China sees it as a brilliant opportunity to fleece the gullible for as much money as it can, to burnish its international image by making all the right green noises, and to blackmail the West into providing it with free technology. But it has no intention whatsoever of sacrificing economic growth by reducing its carbon […]