Obama & Kerry preparing to travel to Paris for UN climate summit
Warmist Naomi Klein: ‘Climate change is violence’ – ‘When govts & corporations knowingly fail to act to prevent catastrophic warming, that is an act of violence’
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/20/paris-climate-talks-protesters-hollande-violence?CMP=share_btn_tw UK Guardian:
37 senators warn Obama to tell the truth about the UN climate deal
The Washington Examiner reports: Read the entire report.
Analysis: NOAA’s Fabricated ‘Record Temperatures’ – Meanwhile ‘satellites show current warmth well below previous El Nino peaks in 1998 and 2010, and a declining trend’
Meanwhile, the much more accurate and comprehensive satellites show current warmth well below previous El Nino peaks in 1998 and 2010, and a declining trend. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/from:1998/plot/rss/from:1998/trend
Ted Cruz Calls Obama’s ‘Radical’ Climate Plan ‘Tyranny’
Obama in Malaysia: ‘You’ll See Oceans Rise…More Drought, More Flooding, Bigger Hurricanes, Typhoons’
Kerry: Doubters of Global-warming Apocalypse Must Be Silenced