Alice Bows-Larkin – Senior Lecturer in Energy and Climate Change – University of Manchester
(Full Transcript of her talk here)
Filmed June 2015 at TED Global London
Prof. Alice Bows-Larkin and her colleague Prof. Kevin Anderson have written papers calling for “planned recessions’ to reduce economic growth and thus emissions in order to fight man-made climate change. Anderson and his colleague Alice Bows wrote: “Unless economic growth can be reconciled with unprecedented rates of decarbonization (in excess of 6% per year 15), it is difficult to envisage anything other than a planned economic recession being compatible with stabilization at or below 650 ppm CO2.”
Just in time for the United Nations climate change summit in November, Bows-Larkin is refreshing the call for slowing economic growth in order to fight “global warming.” (Climate Depot Note: Global temperatures are failing to follow predictions: See: A new record ‘Pause’ length: Satellite Data: No global warming for 18 years 8 months!)
Bows-Larkin TED video in 2015: “And now, if we’re all constrained by the same amount of carbon budget, that means that if some parts of the world’s emissions are needing to rise, then other parts of the world’s emissions need to reduce.”
Bows-Larkin: “So I’d just like to take a quote from a paper by myself and Kevin Anderson back in 2011 where we said that to avoid the two-degree framing of dangerous climate change, economic growth needs to be exchanged at least temporarily for a period of planned austerity in wealthy nations.
This is a really difficult message to take, because what it suggests is that we really need to do things differently. This is not about just incremental change. This is about doing things differently, about whole system change, and sometimes it’s about doing less things. And this applies to all of us, whatever sphere of influence we have. So it could be from writing to our local politician to talking to our boss at work or being the boss at work, or talking with our friends and family, or, quite simply, changing our lifestyles. Because we really need to make significant change. At the moment, we’re choosing a four-degree scenario. If we really want to avoid the two-degree scenario, there really is no time like the present to act.
Because according to our research, if you’re in a country where per capita emissions are really high — so North America, Europe, Australia — emissions reductions of the order of 10 percent per year, and starting immediately, will be required for a good chance of avoiding the two-degree target.”
Related Links:
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Canadian TV on Warmist calls for ‘planned recessions’: ‘This is what the Obama admin is all about, except they don’t announce it. But when you try to restrict energy access and manage an plan and energy economy on every aspect – you suddenly have the power to have planned recessions’ – Morano on Sun News TV – ‘The Source w/ Ezra Levant’: ‘This is what the Obama admin is all about. except they don’t announce it. They don’t call it that. But when you try to restrict energy access and manage and plan an energy economy on every aspect, you suddenly have the power to have planned recessions. That is why they have UN treaties that are part of what they call ‘global governance’. Anderson’s plan is that the wealthy nations will get together and start planning recession to lower our emissions.’
‘A planned economic recession’: Global warming prof. Kevin Anderson – who has ‘cut back on showering’ to save planet – asserts economic ‘de-growth’ is needed to fight climate change – Anderson: ‘Continuing with economic growth over the coming two decades is incompatible with meeting our international obligations on climate change’ – Put simply, for the wealthier nations, ‘the necessary levels of 2°C mitigation and short-to-medium term economic growth are incompatible’
Cancun climate change summit: scientists call for WW2-style rationing in developed world – UK Telegraph – November 29, 2010: ‘Global warming is now such a serious threat to mankind that climate change experts are calling for Second World War-style rationing in rich countries to bring down carbon emissions.’
Excerpt: In a series of papers published by the Royal Society, physicists and chemists from some of world’s most respected scientific institutions, including Oxford University and the Met Office, agreed that current plans to tackle global warming are not enough.
Unless emissions are reduced dramatically in the next ten years the world is set to see temperatures rise by more than 4C (7.2F) by as early as the 2060s, causing floods, droughts and mass migration.
As the world meets in Cancun, Mexico for the latest round of United Nations talks on climate change, the influential academics called for much tougher measures to cut carbon emissions.
In one paper Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough, while allowing the poor nations to continue to grow, is to halt economic growth in the rich world over the next twenty years.
This would mean a drastic change in lifestyles for many people in countries like Britain as everyone will have to buy less ‘carbon intensive’ goods and services such as long haul flights and fuel hungry cars