He asks Mair about the satellite temperature record, which he says has shown no warming during the last 18 years.
Mair should recognize this as a common, largely discredited attack on climate science. While it is true temperatures spiked during 1998 due to a very strong El Nino, if one does not cherry pick data the satellite record does show steadily rising temperatures over the last 35 years.
Temperatures according to 2 satellite series (UAH and RSS). The purple line indicates the mean of the three surface temperature series. (
Temperatures according to 2 satellite series (UAH and RSS). The purple line indicates the mean of the three surface temperature series. (
But Mair does not recognize this. It appears he has never heard of it.
Q. How do you address the facts that in the last 18 years the satellite data show no demonstrable warming whatsoever?
A. Sir I would rely on the Union of Concerned Scientists, and I would rely on our own NOAA officials. The data are there.
Q. Is it correct that the satellite data over the last 18 years demonstrate no significant warming?
A. No.
Q. How is it incorrect?
(At this point Mair leans back to listen to a staffer for about 10 seconds.)
A. Based upon our experts it’s been refuted long ago, and it’s not up for scientific debate.
Q. I do find it highly interesting that the President of the Sierra Club would, when asked what the scientific data demonstrate about warming, apparently is relying on staff. The nice thing about the satellite data is these are objective numbers.
A. Correct.
Q. And the numbers over the last 18 years — are you familiar with the phrase the pause?
(Silence for 15 seconds. More discussion with Mair and a staffer, off camera. Cruz is smirking.)
A. The answer is yes. And essentially we rest on our position.
Q. And to what you said, you are familiar with the pause. To what does the phrase the pause refer?
(Silence for 15 seconds more as Mair confers with a staffer. He then turns around to Cruz, but says nothing.)
Q. I’m sorry, you said you were familiar with that term so I asked you to what does it refer?
(After another quick conversation with an aide, Mair finally responds.)
A. Essentially it’s the slowing of global warming during the 40s, sir.
Q. During the 40s?
(Mair nods)
Q. Is it not the term global warming alarmists have used to explain the “pause” … because the computer models say there should be dramatic warming, but the actual satellites taking the measurement don’t show any significant warming.
A. But Senator, 97 percent of the scientists concur and agree that there is global warming.
This exchange displays a shocking lack of knowledge about climate change from an organization that counts addressing climate change disruption among its most important goals.