NYT: Obama Expected to Reveal New Climate Plan Next Week – ‘Could stand as the most significant action ever taken by an American president to curb global warming’
‘Join the insect food revolution’ to fight ‘global warming’: ‘I eat bugs…Insects are the future of food and farming’
Dr. Jenny Josephs, a research psychologist, self described entomophagist and founder of the ‘The Bug Shack’ website, spoke at the TEDx Talk conference at the University of Southampton. Josephs promoted eating insects instead of livestock in order to fight climate change. Josephs promotes recipes for cooking bugs. See: RECIPES – INSECT COOKING BASICS Josephs ([email protected]) told TEDx Talk that ‘insects are the future of […]
Watch: ‘Environmental Example’: Hillary advocates green bus stations then boards private plane
Media Hype Hansen’s Latest ‘Alarming’ Prediction: Sea Levels to Rise 10 Feet
Wash. Times Features Climate Depot: Prince Charles extends climate doomsday deadline by 33 years
A co-founder of Greenpeace tells the truth on CO2 – Dr. Patrick Moore provides some surprising benefits of CO2 that you won’t hear in the current debate’
Discovery Mag.: ‘Is Air Conditioning Killing the Planet?’
Prince Charles gives world reprieve: Extends ‘100-Month’ climate ‘tipping point’ to 35 more years
Prince Charles declared on July 18, 2015 that the world now has “just 35 years to save the planet” from “global warming”. But this new climate ‘tipping point’ marks a huge reprieve from Prince Charles original 100 month tipping point issued in 2009. The 2015 UK Western Morning News interview with Charles revealed that “His […]