Watch Now: Morano on One America News discusses Temperature Alterations

  Related Links:  Rewriting Their Own Temperature Past At The National Academy Of Sciences: ‘Massively altered temp history since their 1975 report. They have eliminated most of the 1940-1970 cooling’ – ‘If they didn’t tamper with the data, there is no global warming since 1940.’ – In 1978, NOAA reported 0.5C global cooling from 1960-1965. NAS has […]

Climate Depot Responds to Sen. Whitehouse: ‘The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics.’

Climate Depot Responds:  The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics. See: Flashback: Warmists’ mimic tobacco industry tactics: ‘Like tobacco industry, Warmists’ manufactured uncertainty & fear by stridently proclaiming certainty & consensus based on dubious & uncertain modeled results predicting disastrous consequences of a warmer […]

Democrat Sen. Whitehouse: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Via The Weekly Standard: Writing in the Washington Post, Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, offered a curious suggestion for dealing with global warming skeptics: In 2006, Judge Gladys Kessler of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia decided that the tobacco companies’ fraudulent campaign amounted to a racketeering enterprise. According […]

UN IPCC’s Pachauri found guilty in sexual harassment case by Internal Complaints Committee

IPCC’s Pachauri found guilty by Internal Complaints Committee Note: this isn’t the High Court legal law case that has been decided, as that remains, but his own company’s internal investigation. New Delhi: An internal committee of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) found its director general RK Pachauri guilty in a sexual harassment case. […]

Global polar bear population size is about 26,000 (20,000-32,000)

Global polar bear population size is about 26,000 (20,000-32,000), despite PBSG waffling The IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group admits its global population estimate is simply a qualified guess with a large potential error. So perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that for the purpose of comparing polar bears to other species of concern, the upper […]

Save the world with legislation? Three quarters of worlds emissions “limited” by red-tape and meaningless targets

Save the world with legislation? Three quarters of worlds emissions “limited” by red-tape and meaningless targets Here’s a new form of climate control. Red-tape. Count the laws for the climate! [ScienceDaily] London School of Economics (LSE) Three-quarters of the world’s annual emissions of greenhouse gases are now limited by national targets, according to a […]

Comprehensive Analysis Reveals NOAA Wrongfully Applying ‘Master Algorithm’ To Whitewash Temperature History

Comprehensive Analysis Reveals NOAA Wrongfully Applying “Master Algorithm” To Whitewash Temperature History A bit on the long side, but stunning to say the least. Energy physicist Mike Brakey tells us why he is not surprised the NOAA might be investigated by Congress. (Sticky post). ============================= The “Trick” to Controlling the Climate Agenda By Mike […]

New climate stress index model challenges doomsday forecasts for world’s coral reefs

New climate stress index model challenges doomsday forecasts for world’s coral reefs Believe it or not, that’s the actual headline from the Wildlife Conservation Society press release. This model they tout incorporates field data. – Anthony Complex model performs better than common temperature threshold predictions Recent forecasts on the impacts of climate change on […]

Pope’s climate position will hurt poor countries

Pope’s climate position will hurt poor countries An April report issued by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences presents a likely sneak preview of an “Apostolic Exhortation” that Pope Francis will introduce at a UN General Assembly meeting later this year. Headlined to “Safeguard Creation,” it will warn of […]