India Refuses To Be Bound By New Climate Treaty

India Refuse To Be Bound By New Climate Treaty

By Paul Homewood A slightly opaque report from the Times of India, but it seems to be saying that won’t be bound by any climate agreement this year. NEW DELHI: India not “legally” bound under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and it has been “coordinating” with like minded countries for protecting its own interest in the climate change negotiating fora, government today said. “There is no legally binding commitment for India under UNFCCC till date. India has been actively engaged in the multilateral negotiations under the UNFCCC. “The national action plan on climate change (NAPCC) was released in June 2008 to outline India’s strategy to meet the challenge of climate,” Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar informed the Lok Sabha. He said that the new climate change agreement has to be under the UNFCCC and developed countries should take lead in combating climate change as per their mandate under the convention. “All elements of mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology, development and transfer, capacity building and transparency of action and support have to be treated in a balanced and comprehensive manner in the new climate agreement,” Javadekar said. He said that in the context of pre-2020 ambitions, under the ad hoc working on Durban platform for enhanced actions, the developed countries have been urged to ratify the 2nd commitment period of Kyoto Protocol and revisit their targets in 2014. In other words, the developing countries had no legal obligation to reduce emissions under Kyoto, and India want it to stay that way. No great surprise there, but it is significant that they are “coordinating” with like minded countries, so that they don’t get picked off individually.

— gReader Pro
