Watch Now: Marc Morano’s Presentation in Rome to Vatican – April 28, 2015

  Update May 27,2015: Warmists outraged over Morano’s Rome presentation to the Vatican: Climate astrology: ‘No matter what climate event it is always exactly what the models predicted’ – Via Raw Story website: Morano in video – Full PowerPoint here: “Today we are told we need a fundamental transformation of our lives in order to end bad weather,” […]

Murdered on the Arctic by climate deniers (or Greenpeace maybe?)

Murdered on the Arctic by climate deniers (or Greenpeace maybe?) … and those with scientific evidence don’t need “names and addresses” instead. Eh? Two Dutch Arctic Ice researchers were sadly presumed lost last week. You, silly fool, may have thought it was an unfortunate accident in a dangerous profession. Not so, according to “Schatzie” […]

Morano to speak: World’s Leading Skeptics of Man-Caused Global Warming to Gather in DC for #ICCC10

World’s Leading Skeptics of Man-Caused Global Warming to Gather in Washington, DC for #ICCC10 Tenth International Conference on Climate Change Offers ‘Fresh Start’ for Science-based Climate Policy June 11–12, 2015 The Tenth International Conference on Climate Change (#ICCC10) will take place on Thursday, June 11 and Friday, June 12, 2015 at the Washington Court […]

India Refuses To Be Bound By New Climate Treaty

India Refuse To Be Bound By New Climate Treaty By Paul Homewood A slightly opaque report from the Times of India, but it seems to be saying that won’t be bound by any climate agreement this year. NEW DELHI: India not “legally” bound under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and […]