Michael Mann and Stefan Rahmstorf claim the Gulf Stream is slowing due to Greenland ice melt, except reality says otherwise

Michael Mann and Stefan Rahmstorf claim the Gulf Stream is slowing due to Greenland ice melt, except reality says otherwise http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/03/24/michael-mann-and-stefan-rahmstorf-claim-the-gulf-stream-is-slowing-due-to-greenland-ice-melt-except-reality-says-otherwise From your “Day after Tomorrow” department (where a slowing Gulf Stream turned NYC into an icebox) comes this claim from the bowels of Mannian Science. Unfortunately, it looks to be of the caliber of […]

Ooops! Posited pine beetle to increased wildfire risk debunked by UC study

Ooops! Posited pine beetle to increased wildfire risk debunked by UC study http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/03/24/ooops-posited-pine-beetle-to-increased-wildfire-risk-debunked-by-uc-study It has been posited by paid alarmists like Joe Romm that global warming will increase pine beetle outbreaks, thus increasing the chances of wildfire. For example, in April 2013 Romm wailed: “…the mountain pine beetle, has already killed 70,000 square miles of […]