Atmospheric physicist Dr. Murry Salby: Man-made CO2 could only cause warming of ‘a few tenths of a degree, if at all’

Atmospheric physicist Dr. Murry Salby: Man-made CO2 could only cause warming of ‘a few tenths of a degree, if at all’ A recent seminar presentation by atmospheric physicist & professor Murry Salby in Germany strikes another huge blow to climate alarm, demonstrating: The man-made share of CO2 in the atmosphere is only a maximum […]

Head of Episcopal Church: Denying Climate Change Is ‘Blind’ And Immoral

Head of Episcopal Church: Denying Climate Change Is ‘Blind’ And Immoral Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, right, told The Guardian that denying climate change is akin to turning one’s back on God’s gift of knowledge. CREDIT: AP Photo/ Tony Avelar One of the most powerful women in […]