Monckton ridicules allegations of ‘conflict of interest’ against Dr. Willie Soon
Special to Climate Depot Dr Zhang Li, Editor, Science Bulletin 29 January 2015 Dear Dr Zhang Li, I have had your letter asking about Dr Soon’s alleged “conflict of interest”. I had already written to Rui An. Dr Soon, like all eminent scientists, has in the past received various grants from several governmental and non-governmental […]
Prof claims he successfully used ‘mass hypnosis’ to motivate the public to believe in ‘global warming’ Professor Pidgeon has done just those things. In a press release issued today, he says: The British public’s belief in the reality of climate change and its human causes rose significantly last year – and is now at its highest since 200
Claim: ‘Here’s How We Know Global Warming Made the Blizzard Worse’ – ‘From now on, AGW will be a part of every weather-related event’
New excuse for ‘pause’ – A fluke! Scientist Explains Why Its Not Warming Like The Computers Predict –>It’s A Fluke
Scientist Explains Why Its Not Warming Like The Computers Predict –>It’s A Fluke Well they have finally done it. For years the forces behind the climate change hypothesis have been trying to explain why all their computer models say its supposed to be getting warmer when the real climate hasn’t changed in over 18 […]
WaPo’s Chris Mooney promotes carbon tax: ‘Americans would make money off climate change’ – Many Republicans ‘looking for a way to gracefully surrender on climate change’
Snowfall measurement: a flaky history: ‘Our measuring techniques have changed, and we are not necessarily comparing apples to apples’ Earlier in our weather history, the standard practice was to record snowfall amounts less frequently, such as every 12 or 24 hours, or even to take just one measurement of depth on the ground at the end of the storm. You might think that one or two measurements per day should add up to […]
Watch: Bill Nye Says ‘Give a F*ck’ About Climate Change and Forget ‘Deflategate’
Mississippi GOP Sen. Wicker ‘unabashed in denying global warming’
Multi-billionaire who gave a lecture about American’s ‘needing to have less things and live a smaller existence’ owns a staggering FIVE mansions… including the nation’s most expensive home
Monckton: ‘Settled Science’ of Global Warning Based on False Assumptions