Warmist Guide on ‘How to Talk About Climate Change on Thanksgiving’
How to Talk About Climate Change on Thanksgiving http://ecowatch.com/2014/11/24/talk-climate-change-thanksgiving/ Folks who don’t accept the science can raise a surprisingly large number of misleading points because… The post How to Talk About Climate Change on Thanksgiving appeared first on EcoWatch. — gReader Pro
65% of US population are skeptical that each flood drought or heatwave is mostly ‘man-made’
65% of US population are skeptical that each flood drought or heatwave is mostly “man-made” http://joannenova.com.au/2014/11/39682/ How big is the Green B-lobby? So big, whole research projects are devoted to better ways to push propaganda onto voters. In this case, it turns out that despite an international PR blitz to unscientifically link your car exhaust […]
The Science is Settled? ‘Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not the main driver of weather or climate’
The Science is Settled? http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2014/11/the-science-is-settled.html Another Issue of “Carbon Sense” prepared for The Carbon Sense Coalition by Viv Forbes and volunteer helpers. www.carbon-sense.com22 November 2014Governments are running huge deficits, but still spend billions on “climate research” especially trying to model the effect of the atmosphere and its trace of carbon dioxide on surface temperature. Benefits are hard to […]
Interstellar: Hollywood leaves AGW in a gravity well.
Interstellar: Hollywood leaves AGW in a gravity well. http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2014/11/interstellar-hollywood-leaves-agw-in.html by Anthony CoxHollywood has been a staunch supporterof AGW. In fact with Russell Crowe’s Noah any suggestion Hollywood had an open mind on the subject went down the gurgler as fast as that flightless turkey could sink.But now, despite DiCaprio’s grotesquely hypocritical alignment with the UN […]
‘Memo to all Duped Alarmists’: ‘Quasi-religious fervour has replaced any scientific searching for truth’
Memo to all Duped Alarmists http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2014/11/memo-to-all-duped-alarmists.html Opinion by Michael SpencerIt would seem to me that you all seem to thrive on hearing bad news constantly, delivered by a small and select coterie, and refuse to contemplate the possibility that there could be lots of good news. In fact, my experience to date with people who […]
Matt Ridley on How Fossil Fuels are Greening the Planet
Matt Ridley on How Fossil Fuels are Greening the Planet http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2014/11/matt-ridley-on-how-fossil-fuels-are.html Matt Ridley, author of The Red Queen, Genome, The Rational Optimist and other books, dropped by Reason’s studio in Los Angeles last month to talk about a curious global trend that is just starting to receive attention. Over the past three decades, our planet […]