Memo to all Duped Alarmists
Opinion by Michael SpencerIt would seem to me that you all seem to thrive on hearing bad news constantly, delivered by a small and select coterie, and refuse to contemplate the possibility that there could be lots of good news. In fact, my experience to date with people who believe in the falsified AGW hypothesis has one thing in common: such people refuseto look at possible alternatives. Thus an equally-famous quote from one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, Paul Wartson, who said: “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”Dare I suggest it seems that some sort of quasi-religious fervour has replaced any scientific searching for truth? And that anyone daring to suggest anything that runs contrary to that quasi-religious belief system is automatically branded ‘a denier’ in the same way as extreme religions brand anyone who does not comply with their notion of orthodoxy as being ‘a heretic’, with all the overtones this implies – and one could be forgiven to comparing such actions as being akin to the actions of ‘the authorities’ in Mediæval times. (Or perhaps the ISIS death cultists doing their evil things in the Middle East right now!) ‘Groupthink’anyone?Harsh words perhaps, but I fear this is not too far from the truth of the matter!But yes! There is good news of which it appears quite clear Alarmists all seem to be blissfully (?) unaware! And it’s no wonder this is so if you rely on the general Media for your information because, after all: “Good news does not sell newspapers” – well-known old adage, and proven true over time. Furthermore, you are unlikely to get any contrary news from anyone who is riding a most comfortable ‘gravy train’; after all there is another adage: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” (Upton Sinclair, 1935)So, why can’t Alarmists start to look at a few facts for a change? And yes! I know you will say that everything that does not agree with your belief system is ‘misinformation’. So, let me just suggest perhaps an occasional contrary viewpoint that you can then proceed to prove wrong could really spice things up!Try some of these, just by way of example:1. Levels of atmospheric CO2 follow temperatures and not the other way around – as promoted – famously {or deceptively [ED]} – by Al Gore:So – if this empirical data from ice cores is true, why is it that CO2today is supposed to do the opposite, and thereby cause the global warming about which you seem to be so terrified? (Click on the graph for more information!)2. Given that atmospheric CO2levels have been increasing, how come that an amalgamation of the three most ‘authoritative’ terrestrial data sources together with the two satellite records shows this result:And if just the satellite observations are used (and these have not been subject to ‘homogenisation’ – translation: cooking the books):It’s a couple of months further on since that graph was made!3. The hottest-ever Summer of 2014 sounded wonderful as announced by Climate CouncilChief Tim Flannery et al, but only if past history is ignored, just by way of this example:Do you think I’m just making this up – real records are available! (Click on the graph!)And then there’s been the ‘homogenisation’of data – this means ‘cooking the books’to make facts fit theory, and not the other way around as it should be in realscience. (And click on this graph!)4. Sea levels are rising and Pacific and Indian Ocean Island Nations are going under water!Really? Do yourself a favour and check out the Landsat photographs of Earth from Space since 1984. I’m making it easy for you; here’s a link to Kiribati – often reported to be disappearing beneath the waves. Just click on the photograph:Go and look anywhere you like! Dubai is interesting, because the sand-islands weren’t there in 1984 – you can see them ‘grow’!Can you see Kiribati being swamped? You might be smarter than I, because I can’t see any change. So, tell me I’m wrong!5. Look what the dreadful CO2 is doing: it’s ‘greening’ the planet. This must be true because the CSIRO says so …… (Click on the map!)6. Wild weather is getting more frequent! Again, oh, really? Check the facts – click on the logos:Hmmmm ….. They don’t seem to be increasing, nor do they seem to be more intense.7. The ice is melting in the Arctic!Really? Go and take a look:Try every source at once then – includes Antarctica:I could go on ….8. Perhaps you think that wind turbines are a wonderful way to reduce ‘carbon[sic] emissions’ in electricity generation, and thereby ‘save the planet’?Consider these nasty facts: wind turbines do not appear as if by magic! They have to be manufactured. There’s lots of steel, and cement to make the concrete for the bases. To manufacture these items requires large amounts of CO2 released during that processing – there is no other way. And then there’s the manufacture of the mechanisms, the blades, the magnets, the wiring, the delivery and construction, etc.. All of these things involve considerable ‘carbon [sic] emissions’ – there’s no avoiding this! Very conservatively, it will take at least 15 years before a turbine could possibly just break even! And then there’s the ‘minor’ problem that if the wind doesn’t blow – either strong enough, or too strong – the turbines don’t work, so there has to be a constant back-up running, including to provide heating in freezing conditions. Of course, there is also another ‘minor’ (?) problem of the massive killing of wildlife – birds and bats (and aren’t environmentalists supposed to concerned about such matters?), to say nothing of the problems for both livestock and humans caused by infra-sound. (Don’t believe this? There’s a standing offer for people to spend a holiday living in one of the now-abandoned farm-houses to test this out for themselves. It’s a fair offer!) And then there’s the fire risk as these things burst into flames quite regularly as their bearings give up – what a wonderful thing to happen during our bushfire period. I could go on. (Click on photos for interesting stuff!)Of course, there’s solar power. Wonderful, if only the sun would shine with equal intensity 24/7! Unfortunately, no amount of wishful thinking can alter that fact. (Yes! I know! ‘One day’ we’ll be able to store the energy! One day …. )9. Why not look at modern nuclear power? How about something that, unlike the uranium heavy water reactors (like Fukushima) about which you most probably are terrified, is available, cheap, controllable/safe, abundant, and clean. “Wait a minute I almost hear you think! Surely that sounds just like the ‘green renewables’ about which we are so enthused – if only they would work!”Do you know that the Americans had this technology operating back in the 1960s, and that it was de-funded ‘for political reasons’ at the time? Do you know that the Norwegians turned their first one on in April, last year? What? Didn’t hear about it? (Refer to the adage quoted above!)Do you know that Australia is known to have about 18% of the World’s supply of the relevant element – and no! It’s not uranium, and it’s far more plentiful.And do you know that the technology involved can ‘digest’ the existing waste that worries so many? And do you know that there are reactors that can be air-cooled (no ‘Fukushima’worries there); will shut down automatically in the event of a malfunction – no ‘melt down’ risk; and no need for the massive pressure domes to guard against accidents, etc.?Sounds too good to be true? How about opening your minds to check out what I’ve been telling you?And, by the way, there’s a new material about to be manufactured in Victoria that can deal with radionuclide pollution, oil spills and oil contamination, PCB plastics waste, and yes! even can digest and break down the very CO2about which any alarmist is so worried. No nasty chemicals; completely natural, organic, microbial action, with the ultimate residual material a particularly fine fertiliser. (And you are just going to love the material from which it is derived!)See! I said there is good news …..There’s lots more; I’ve mentioned that our planet is greening, and plant growth is increasing, but you most certainly will not know anything about these things unless and until you are all prepared to open your minds and look!Perhaps instead of opposing things, could it perhaps be better rather to propose them!Just a thought ……But then, I’ve probably just wasted my time typing this up because if past experience is any guide you won’t look, and you won’t listen, and you will just continue to listen to the same people who have been telling you the same things for years, such as “The computer models project ….”and “97% of climate scientists say ….”Well, the computer models haven’t done too well so far, and the “97%” is pure fantasy when you examine the basis of that claim.So here’s a famous thought with which to leave you:And another relevant comment from Thomas Paine:Sincerely,Michael Spencer
— gReader Pro