Sarah Palin Compares Climate Change To Eugenics Movement In New Facebook Video: Says ‘Global Warming Hysteria’ Is A Con
Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman: Climate Change Is a Myth
Pachauri: UN IPCC report is ‘roadmap’ to Paris climate deal
Steyer’s climate propaganda ad tries to link flat Earth, geocentrism, cigarettes to CAGW skepticism
Claim: Future-focused women stand up to global warming with taxes, checkbook l
‘Patrick Moore Goes to War’
University freaks about skeptical scientist’s talk on campus: Declare talk to be ‘disservice’; ‘potentially harmful’; ‘unfortunate’ – Lament there was not a panel of 4 or 5 warmists to rebut him
Fath was at the lecture Thursday night and was one of a handful of TU faculty who challenged what Legates was saying at the end of his talk. Legates shared data and other evidence that, according to him, show that the scientific community is wrong and misguided about anthropogenic climate change. “My concern is that […]