Warmists claim MILTON FRIEDMAN would support price on CO2. NO. He was a SKEPTIC, endorsing Climate of Fear (Cato 1998)
Warmists claim MILTON FRIEDMAN wld support price on CO2. NO. He was a SKEPTIC, endorsing Climate of Fear (Cato 1998). http://twitter.com/JunkScience/status/519975576875315200/photo/1 https://twitter.com/JunkScience/status/519975576875315200
‘Snowfall. Less or More: It Always Means Global Warming’
Debunked: USA Today churns out press release for climate activists at UCS to hype sea level rise since 1970
http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2014/10/08/tidal-floods-sea-level-rise/16873241/ USA Today touts green group Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS): ‘Scientists warn sea levels could swamp coasts’ – “Around the world, sea level is rising in response to global warming,” Fitzpatrick said. “As the oceans heat up, the water expands, and as glaciers and polar ice sheets melt, they add water to the oceans.” # […]
Warmists attack fellow warmist Prof. Peter Wadhams for ‘using graphs with ridiculous projections with no basis in physics’
@icey_mark: Wadhams uses photos and anecdote to imply state of sea ice across the Arctic. @icey_mark: Wadhams: uses UK submarine data to look at thickness but very very data poor. Not credible plots @ClimateOfGavin: Wadhams still using graphs with ridiculous projections with no basis in physics. @ClimateOfGavin: Wadhams clearly states that there is no physics […]