Al Gore Leaves People’s Climate March in Chevy Suburban SUV
Global Sea Ice Extent Expands to Highest Level Since 1998 As Antarctic Sea Ice Grows – 9th All-Time Record in 9 Days
Via: Global Sea Ice Extent Sep 22 2014 – 356,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean. Data for Day 264. Data here. The last time there was more global sea ice extent on day 264 was 1998. Years with less global sea ice on this day: 1979 1984 1989 1990 1991 1993 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 […]
Reason Magazine actually asked climate protesters what they want to do, and it’s hilarious
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: People’s Climate March ‘Prostituted The Weather And Climate’
Boycotting the UN climate summit: ‘Awareness grows that faulty science would keep millions in the dark’
Leonardo DiCaprio Receives Clinton Global Citizen Award: ‘Climate change is compromising the very livability of our planet’
Video: RFK Jr. refuses to give up cellphone, automobile
Analysis: ‘The Most Futile March Ever’: ‘Crazed grouplets of anti-capitalist movements trying to fan the embers of Marxism back to life’
It was the usual post-communist leftie march. That is, it was a petit-bourgeois re-enactment of meaningless ritual that passes for serious politics among those too inexperienced, too emotionally excited or too poorly read and too unpracticed at self-reflection or political analysis to know or perhaps care how futile and tired the conventional march has become. […]