AOL Headline: ‘Global Warming Likely to Cause Colder And Snowier Winters, Scientists Say’
New Scientist: ‘Record sea ice around Antarctica due to global warming’
Warmist Naomi Klein: ‘Capitalism is irreconcilable with a livable climate’ – Facing climate change head-on means changing capitalism
Analysis: With Global Conflict At The Door, World Leaders Pursue Futile Climate Efforts | The Daily Caller
Gov. Rick Perry to Headline at the Houston Climate/Energy Summit Featuring Climate Debate – It’s not too late to Register!
The U.N.’s Climate-Summit Charade
UN hired PR firm that won’t rule out clients who oppose CO2 regulations
Dems tie climate skeptics to tobacco, lead backers
Gore preaches climate urgency at seminary: Allowing global warming is ‘Heaping contempt upon God’s creation’
Former Vice President Al Gore spoke in New York City to the Union Theological Seminary in advance of the People’s Climate March. “There is a confusion between dominion and domination,” Gore told the seminary on September 18, 2014 on the eve of the People’s Climate March in New York City. Gore addressed the Interfaith Leaders […]
Watch: Warmist Naomi Klein on Democracy Now! Discussing Capitalism vs. the Climate
Naomi Klein on Democracy Now! Discussing Capitalism vs. the Climate Author Naomi Klein joined Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman to discuss her new book… The post Naomi Klein on Democracy Now! Discussing Capitalism vs. the Climate appeared first on EcoWatch. — gReader Pro