The big chill comes early – record winter blast hits Northern Plains
The big chill comes early – record winter blast hits Northern Plains Massive early cold wave – Nearly an inch of snow at Rapid City. This is the earliest recorded snowfall going back to 1888. Source: NOAA The national Weather Service in Rapid City posted this on Twitter a few minutes ago, it shows […]
Climate skeptics push back over new rise in carbon dioxide: Some see record high reflecting global economic gains
Evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe Tells Bill Moyers Not All Christians Are Climate ‘Deniers’
Summer Chill: NOAA: 246 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10. Some records broken by 16F
Via: NOAA – 246 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10. Some records broken by 16F — sunshinehours1 @ 12:55 PM 246 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10 according to the NOAA. A “Low Max” means that the maximum temperatures for the day was the lowest it has ever been. This indicates […]
Flim Review of Warmist film Merchants of Doubt says Climate Depot’s Morano is ‘proudly sleazy’ in ‘discrediting the science’
Another doc that will raise your gorge – but will it only speak to the converted?—is from the maker of “Food Inc.,” Robert Kenner. “The Merchants of Doubt” takes aim at the spin masters who, following a playbook established by the big cigarette companies, use their corporate might to cast spurious doubt on the reality […]
Skeptics Gather: Morano to speak and moderate debate at Houston Climate Conference Sept. 25/26: Unsettled Science Trending Optimistically
State of Climate Change: ‘Few hurricanes, weak hurricanes; It’s a slow year for wildfires (again); Another slow year for tornadoes; Arctic sea ice rebounds; The ‘pause’ continues
There Are Now 52 Explanations For ‘Pause’ In Global Warming