U.S. Summer Chill: NOAA – 1025 Cold Records Broken From Aug 1 to Aug 21. Some records Smashed by 16F

Via:  http://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2014/08/23/noaa-1025-low-max-records-broken-from-aug-1-to-aug-21-some-by-16f/

1025 Low Max Records Broken From Aug 1 to Aug 21 according to the NOAA.

A “Low Max” means that the maximum temperatures for the day was the lowest it has ever been.

This indicates daytime cooling.

Below is a screenshot showing location and the biggest difference between old record and new record.

Note that Dyer NV has 111 years of data. And the record was smashed by 16F.


Related Links:

Cold summer: US daily record minimums outnumbering record maximums 3 to 1 in the last 30 days

Record Lows Outnumber Highs 3:1 – But You Won’t Hear It From PBS!

Dramatic Antarctic Freeze Up…Iciest Decade Ever On Satellite Record…Every Decade Icier Than The Previous!

Aug. 20 Northwest Passage update: ’9/10ths or greater ice still covers most of our first 400 miles’

Antarctic sea ice has been above average for 1000 straight days

Flashback 1976: NYT: ‘Cool periods produce greater climate instability. Climatic events are then more extreme’
New York Times – June 29, 1976: ‘Cool periods produce greater climate instability. Climatic events are then more extreme. Climate is a worldwide, integrated system. Significant changes cannot take place in one part without other changes occurring in other places.’
ScreenHunter_2158 Aug. 21 09.12
ScreenHunter_2159 Aug. 21 09.12
TimesMachine: June 29, 1976 – NYTimes.com
