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New paper shows anthropogenic emissions have had a net cooling effect since beginning of industrial revolution – Published in Science

New paper shows anthropogenic emissions have had a net cooling effect since beginning of industrial revolution A paper published today in Science claims the transition from “pristine” to “slightly polluted” atmosphere at the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century had a “dramatic aerosol effect [of increasing] clouds” over the oceans. According […]

Scientist: ‘What If Our Guesses Are Wrong?’ – ‘Flawed computer models have overestimated the rate of global warming since the turn of the century’

What If Our Guesses Are Wrong? Published in the Journal of Forestry • May 2014 By Dr. David B. South – Emeritus Professor of Forestry, Auburn University. This old professor would like to comment on four “climate change” articles. A 1973 article entitled “Brace yourself for another ice age” (Science Digest 57:57– 61) contained the following quote: “Man is doing these […]