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U.S. Postal Service issues ‘global warming forever’ stamp?

U.S. Postal Service issues ‘global warming forever’ stamp? This just in from the U.S.Postal service. (h/t to Marc Morano) In 2014, the U.S. Postal Service introduces Global: Sea Surface Temperatures, a new Forever® international rate stamp. Hmmm, not only is it an oddball stamp, being round, it isn’t even of actual sea surface temperatures, […]

U.S. Commits to New UN Climate Treaty! U.S. signs onto Brussels G-7 Summit Declaration: ‘We affirm our strong determination to adopt in 2015 a global agreement – a new protocol’

Climate Change 10.      Urgent and concrete action is needed to address climate change, as set out in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report. We therefore remain committed to low-carbon economies with a view to doing our part to limit effectively the increase in global temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. We affirm […]