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AGW: more Wind & Rubbish: ‘By far the biggest piece of rubbish from the alarmist camp has been the release of a new paper about Antarctic winds’

AGW: more Wind & Rubbish. by Anthony Cox 0.3% not 97.1%But playing nasty is part and parcel of the alarmist program as many good sceptical scientists have found including the latest Lennart Bengtsson . When you have no facts as the alarmists have not then all you can do is attack the sceptics.But by far […]

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘We might be seeing the death throes of alarmist climate science’ – ‘The Bullying of Bengtsson and the Coming Climate Disruption Hypocalypse’

The Bullying of Bengtsson and the Coming Climate Disruption Hypocalypse May 16th, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Lennart Bengtsson being bullied by colleagues is only the latest example of bad behavior by climate scientists who have made a deal with the devil. They have exchanged their scientific souls for research grants, prestige, and easy access […]