Climategate Resurrected?! Study which doubts global warming is ‘covered up’ as it is claimed it might fuel climate skepticism – ‘Paper suggests that climate is less sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously thought’
UK Times: ‘Echo of Climategate’: Scientists in cover-up of research casting doubt on ‘global warming’ because it was ‘less than helpful’ to their cause
Watch Now: Morano on Fox News rebuts study claiming ‘Unstoppable’ Antarctica melting & Sea Level Rise: ‘When current reality fails to alarm, they make a bunch of scary predictions’
Watch Here: – May 14, 2014 – Fox Business Channel – Varney & Co. Partial Transcript: Marc Morano: ‘This is very likely of natural origin. You have Gov. Jerry Brown worried about LAX being relocated because of this allegedly unstoppable melting. We had similar scare stories in 1922. Similar scare stories in 2009. NYT’s Andrew Revkin […]
‘Irreversible Collapse Of Climate Alarmism’ – Antarctica & Sea Level claims – ‘Yet another non-crisis crisis’ – ‘Truth sacrificed in the name of sensationalism’
The two studies, one by NASA and the other by researchers at the University of Washington, looked at the Western Antarctica Ice Sheet over different stretches of time. The NASA study focused on melting over the last 20 years, while the University of Washington used computer model to predict the future of the WAIS. At least one of the […]
‘It’s our choice how fast the seas rise’ – We control sea level rise? Watch Now: Local DC News Schlock Report on Antarctica & Sea Level Rise
Study: Environmentalists Have ‘Substantially Worse than Average’ Carbon Footprints
No Dissent Allowed! 79-Year old Skeptical Climate Scientist Victim of Witch-Hunt – Fears for his ‘safety’ after declaring himself a skeptic
Climate Depot Round Up ‘Science As McCarthyism’: Lennart Bengtsson Blames U.S. Climate Scientists For McCarthy-Style Witch-Hunt – Worried for his ‘safety’ – His joining skeptic group compared to ‘joining the Ku Klux Klan’ Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on Lennart Bengtsson: This ‘has the potential to do as much harm to climate science as did the […]
Flashback 2009: Climate Depot round up of threats to Skeptics: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’
‘Science As McCarthyism’: Lennart Bengtsson Blames U.S. Climate Scientists For McCarthy-Style Witch-Hunt – Worried for his ‘safety’ – His joining skeptic group compared to ‘joining the Ku Klux Klan’
CCNet 15/05/14 Science As McCarthyism Lennart Bengtsson Blames U.S. Climate Scientists For McCarthy-Style Witch-Hunt I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it. –Voltaire A German physicist compared Bengtsson’s move to joining the Ku Klux Klan. — Der Tagesanzeiger, 7 May 2014 A leading […]
Obama to put personal push behind ‘elevating climate change policy as a top tier issue’