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The Poles Are Not Melting Down: ‘Global sea ice area has been averaging above normal since the end of 2012, and is near a record high for the date now’

The Poles Are Not Melting Down Contrary to the nonsense being spewed by Trenberth and the rest of the climate alarmist community, the poles are not melting down. Global sea ice area has been averaging above normal since the end of 2012, and is near a record high for the date now. (512×412) Sent […]

How To Counter The ‘97% Of Scientists Say’ Argument: ‘How many of these agree that ‘humans are the primary cause of recent global warming’? The answer is just 1.6%’

How To Counter The “97% Of Scientists Say” Argument By Paul Homewood     Whenever anybody uses the “97% of scientists agree blah,blah” argument, just ask them a couple of questions.   1) What is it exactly that the 97% agree? The answer will likely be “global warming”, “climate change” or variations of the […]