Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘Global Warming is Destroying April Fools Day’

Global Warming is Destroying April Fools Day

For the last few days I’ve been trying to think of some crazy, almost-believable angle to illustrate the absurdity of the current global warming movement.
Post it on April 1st, and say “Ha! Fooled ya! The warmists didn’t really say that…but I made you think they did!”
Alas, the global warming alarmists have already used up all of the crazy ideas themselves. As far as they are concerned, global warming causes everything.
More rain AND less rain. Check.
More snow AND less snow. Check.
More hurricanes AND fewer hurricanes. Check.
You get the idea.
And, once you get journalists’ imaginations involved, it gets even crazier. Earthquakes. Meteor strikes. These are people who actually think the movie Gravity was filmed in outer space.
(OK, so some scientists also are on the warming-causes-earthquakes bandwagon. I guess that makes them as smart as journalists.)
Now, as the new 2014 IPCC report is revealed, we find that a lack of warming for 15+ years has the experts even more concerned than ever. So, the greater the amount of good news on the global warming front, the greater their hand-wringing.
How can we make fun of them when they are already parodying themselves?? It’s disheartening.
So, I would like to add an item to that long list of things that global warming is destroying…
…global warming is destroying April Fools Day.

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