Frustrated Warmist Bill McKibben: ‘Time for climate scientists to go on strike’ until people ‘pay attention’ – Says ‘it’s absurd’ to do more reports So at this point it’s absurd to keep asking the scientific community to churn out more reports
Skeptics Question Apocalyptic UN Climate Change Report
Sen. Inhofe seeks to force the EPA to report costs of its rules
Scientific Smackdown: Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry rips Kerry Emanuel’s response to Pielke Jr. on extreme weather as ‘not convincing to people looking for empirical evidence’
Watch Now: Morano on Fox News w/ Neil Cavuto on UN IPCC report: ‘It’s nothing more than pre-determined science’ – ‘When current reality fails to scare people, they make more and more scary predictions’
Related Links: Climate Porn & Pre-Determined ‘Science’: Round Up of New UN IPCC Report: Human Extinction? IPCC at ‘beck and call’ of Govts – UN Officials Predicted Alarming Report Years Ago Sec. of State John Kerry: Kerry on UN climate report: ‘Costs of inaction are catastrophic’ – ‘Unless we act dramatically and quickly, […]
Sec. of State John Kerry: Kerry on UN climate report: ‘Costs of inaction are catastrophic’ – ‘Unless we act dramatically and quickly, science tells us our climate and our way of life are literally in jeopardy’
Researchers Say Eat Less Meat to Slow Climate Change
Report: Green ideologues from UK government ‘sexed up’ IPCC climate report ‘in order to make its conclusions sound more scary than the evidence warranted’
‘Climate change and human survival’ – ‘The IPCC report shows the need for ‘radical and transformative change’
UN IPCC analysis: ‘Witch doctors shake medicine sticks, warn of climate apocalypse to come’ Sec. of State John Kerry: ‘Read this report and you can’t deny the reality: unless we act dramatically and quickly, science tells us our climate and our way of life are literally in jeopardy.’ In other words: don’t think, panic. And if you insist on thinking, well, maybe it’s time you were packed off to a camp where […]