Watch Now: Morano on Fox discussing debate ducker Dan Weiss & Latest Science: ‘This has happened many times, the global warmers back out of debates’

Marc Morano on Fox Business’ ‘The Independents’ – Broadcast Friday March 21, 2014 Morano on debate ducker Dan Weiss: ‘This has happened many times, the global warmers back out of debates. As CBS News’ Scott Pelley news anchor said, he won’t interview skeptical scientists because it would be the equivalent of interviewing Holocaust deniers if he was doing a segment on the Holocaust.   […]

University ethics: ‘Steve McIntyre reveals that the conclusions of the University of Western Australia’s ethics inquiry into Stephan Lewandowsky were written by Lewandowsky himself’

University ethics In yet another astonishing post at Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre reveals that the conclusions of the University of Western Australia’s ethics inquiry into Stephan Lewandowsky were written by Lewandowsky himself: Half an hour later (Oct 15 15:18; FOIT, 9), Lewandowsky replied by adding the sentences bolded below, which add the claim that […]

New paper finds global sea level rise has decelerated 31% since 2002 along with the ‘pause’ of global warming – Published in Nature Climate Change

Via: This observation, of course, is a crisis for CAGW alarmism and therefore must be solved by a computer model. The authors simply create a hydrological model programmed to say that the reason why sea levels have decelerated is because it must be raining more over land due to ENSO and therefore the land ate […]