Gore Effect: Lecture on climate change cancelled due to winter weather
I G report: EPA employees used federal charge cards to buy gym memberships, gift cards, hotel space
Sen. Boxer cites ‘extreme cold’ as evidence of AGW: ‘Lessons From the Senate’s Climate Change All-nighter’ – ‘First, climate change is real and the deniers are losing ground’
Climate a losing issue for Dems! Warmist Democrat Rides Global Warming Alarmism to Surprise Congressional Special Election Defeat in FL-13
GOP victor ‘Jolly didn’t even fight back against the constant global warming political onslaught. He never answered the Sierra Club/League of Conservation Voters attacks with a defense of his views on global warming, energy and the environment. He simply let Sink’s supporters sink their political war chest on what turned out to be a loser […]
Summary of the use of ‘denier’ in Senate Dems all-night warmathon
Via: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/03/12/new-gallup-poll-shows-climate-change-near-the-bottom-of-things-worth-worrying-about/ From Stephen Rasey in a comment about the congressional record from the Senate all-nighter: ============================================================== This is a first pass summary of the use of “denier” in the March 10-11 Senate Climate Change Transcript. CR_Page , CR_Speaker _, CR_Text S1378 __, REID ________, climate change deniers still exist. S1378 __, REID ________, the deniers. S1379 __, SCHUMER _____, deniers […]
Gallup Poll: Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S. – Majority of Americans (51%) worry ‘only a little’ or ‘not at all’ about global warming – 2014 Environmental concerns rank lowest in Gallup polling history
http://www.gallup.com/poll/167843/climate-change-not-top-worry.aspx Excerpt: Twenty-eight U.S. senators held an all-night “talkathon” Monday to call attention to climate change, an issue that only 24% of Americans say they worry about a great deal. This puts climate change, along with the quality of the environment, near the bottom of a list of 15 issues Americans rated in Gallup’s March […]
Network News Uncritically Hypes Dem ‘All-Nighter’ on Climate: Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid called global warming action a ‘question of our own survival’
Analysis: Senate Democrats’ anti-scientific hot-air marathon
U. S. Having Its Coldest Six Month Period Since 1912
Watch Now: Fox New Hosts Contentious Climate Debate between Dr. Patrick Moore & warmist Bob Beckel