Hulk Actor Mark Ruffalo Claims Oil Causes Typhoons: ‘What happened in the Philippines must be stopped. Fossil fuels are enemy #1 to mankind’
Hulk Actor Claims Oil Causes Typhoons | FrontPage Magazine
UN Advisor Jeffrey Sachs Claims Current Energy Policies ‘Partly Caused’ Typhoon — Those who disagree have ‘blood on their hands’
Watch Sachs on MSNBC here. Pielke Jr. further smacked down Sachs on Twitter, telling him he was ‘wrong.’ ‘Attached figure from paper you (mis)cite for WNP basin (where Haiyan hit) showing trends, see any?
Watch Now: CNN’s Piers Morgan defends featuring skeptics in global warming debate, slaps down warmist guest Mark Hertsgaard
UN drafts dire report on global warming — As climate panel must correct numbers — again!
Good News Philippine President Aquino: Typhoon Haiyan deaths likely 2,000 to 2,500 — not 10,000
Not Welcome: UN climate summit in Poland greeted by 50,000 angry Poles rallying against UN’s attempts ‘to steal away our liberties’
94% of deadliest cyclones occurred with CO2 below 350. Worst ones happened during 1970 global cooling era
UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol slams IPCC Chair: ‘Pachauri is just such an embarrassment’
Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl: Typhoon Haiyan: similar unspectacular cyclones arrive every 2-3 years