More critiques of Unprecedented(?) Arctic warming: ‘The arguments laid forth in this study fall short of making a strong case for their (anthropogenic factors) dominant role’
New warmist Arctic study challenged: Prof. Jim Bouldin of UC Davis ‘marvels at how the authors could state the conclusions they do, given the methods and data presented’
Extreme Cherry-Picking “Science” Exposed In Newest Alarmist Arctic Climate Study – Moss-Picking Debunked, Unequivocally
New Study: ‘100% of 32 news stories and briefs in the past year that mentioned climate change and Hurricane Sandy claimed global warming directly impacted the storm’
Geologist Dr. Norman Page: ‘The Coming Cooling’ – ‘The Demise of the UN IPCC and the CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming) Delusion’
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: ‘The One Year Anniversary of Sandy – Should we blame CO2 for nice weather?’