‘An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism’: Avid environmentalist challenges climate change alarmists: ‘I became appalled by the amount of bad science that was too easily published simply because it agreed with the prevailing bias of climate catastrophes’

By Jean Bartlett Pacifica Tribune Arts Correspondent POSTED:   10/15/2013 05:01:53 PM PDT photo courtesy of author Jim Steele ( Contributed Photo ) Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, raised from age five in the Boston area, Pacifican Jim Steele first headed off to attend the mechanical engineering program at the University of Massachusetts in 1968. But […]

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘The IPCC’s statements of 95% confidence that most of the warming is anthropogenic, and expectations of substantial warming between now and 2036, has the IPCC skating on very thin ice, in my opinion’

Words of wisdom from Ed Lorenz http://judithcurry.com/2013/10/13/words-of-wisdom-from-ed-lorenz/ by Judith Curry Insights from Ed Lorenz, pioneer of chaos theory, on the detection of anthropogenic global warming. Ed Lorenz has been arguably the most influential meteorologist in history, having laid the foundations of chaos theory.  From his 2008 obituary: In discovering “deterministic chaos,” Dr. Lorenz established a […]

No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exits UK to avoid taxes

No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exits UK to avoid taxes http://junkscience.com/2013/10/14/no-virgin-hypocrite-richard-branson-says-deniers-need-to-be-called-out-debated-and-rallied-against-meanwhile-branson-exists-uk-to-avoid-taxes/ Hypocrite Virgin Airways owner Richard Branson raves on his blog: And climate deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against; the science is clear enough now. Read more… Read […]

Climatologist Drama Queens: Government shutdown claimed to cause ‘irreversible damage’ to ‘decades of scientific research’

Climatologist Drama Queens: Government shutdown claimed to cause ‘irreversible damage’ to ‘decades of scientific research’ http://junkscience.com/2013/10/15/climatologist-drama-queens-government-shutdown-claimed-to-cause-irreversible-damage-to-decades-of-scientific-research/ Hard to believe taxpayers have given $350 million to these whiners to do nonsense research that returns zero to taxpayers. USA Today reports: Anne Gambrel, a doctoral student at Princeton University, says she’s part of a team of scientists […]

Senate GOP offers ‘The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad’ — Most involve EPA, environment

Senate GOP offers ‘The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad’ — Most involve EPA, environment http://junkscience.com/2013/10/16/senate-gop-offers-the-top-ten-reasons-the-government-shutdown-isnt-all-bad-most-involve-epa-environment/ The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad October 15, 2013 10. Approximately 15,000 EPA employees are furloughed, making it less likely fake CIA agents at EPA will be ripping off the taxpayer Last […]