UN IPCC lead author Steve Sherwood likes this analogy: Earth plus trace amounts of CO2 is like a person plus cancer: ‘If the prognosis is the patient is going to die, but there is some uncertainty on exactly when, you do not just throw out the initial prognosis of death’

IPCC lead author Steve Sherwood likes this analogy: Earth plus trace amounts of CO2 is like a person plus cancer http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/09/ipcc-lead-author-steve-sherwood-likes.html The tide is rising”…If we look back at the temperature record over the past 100 years or so we see times when the earth’s surface was warming rapidly and times when it was slower, […]

Andrew Montford: Climatology’s Great Dilemma — ‘The UN IPCC’ s dilemma is this. How can it expect the public to believe that recent warming is mostly manmade when the models on which it has based this claim have been shown to be fatally flawed?’

Andrew Montford: Climatology’s Great Dilemma http://www.thegwpf.org/andrew-montford-climatologys-great-dilemma/ The IPCC’s dilemma is this. How can it expect the public to believe that recent warming is mostly manmade when the models on which it has based this claim have been shown to be fatally flawed?   Image: Getty Climate science is, once again, on the horns of a […]

Antarctica Sea Ice Extent All-Time Record Maximum on Sept 22 2013: 19.51394 million sq km of sea ice

Antarctica Sea Ice Extent All-Time Record Maximum on Sept 22 2013 http://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/antarctica-sea-ice-extent-all-time-record-maximum-on-sept-22-2013/ Antarctica Sea Ice Extent set another all-time record of  19.51394 million sq km on Sept 22 2013. The old record was 19.51234 million sq km which was set on September 14 2013 (Day 257). The record was broken by .00264 million sqk km. Click […]