‘Honey, I shrunk the consensus’ — Monckton takes action on Cooks paper
“Honey, I shrunk the consensus” — Monckton takes action on Cooks paper http://joannenova.com.au/2013/09/monckton-honey-i-shrunk-the-consensus/ If you are fed up with dismal papers passing peer review and exploiting the good name of science, join us in protest. Christopher Monckton was not content to let John Cook and others get away with a paper where 0.3% becomes 97%, […]
Spiegel: ‘Climatologists Face Inconvenient Truth…Germans Are Losing Their Fear Of Climate Change’
Spiegel: “Climatologists Face Inconvenient Truth…Germans Are Losing Their Fear Of Climate Change” http://notrickszone.com/2013/09/23/spiegel-climatologists-face-inconvenient-truth-germans-are-losing-their-fear-of-climate-change/ The English language Spiegel magazine has lengthy piece on the crumbling climate science consensus. Yes folks, soon we’ll be hearing that 97% of all climate scientists say there is no consensus. Warming Plateau? Climatologists Face Inconvenient Truth Data shows global temperatures aren’t […]
Access: The ‘leaked’ IPCC AR5 draft Summary for Policymakers
Access: The “leaked” IPCC AR5 draft Summary for Policymakers http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/09/23/access-the-leaked-ipcc-ar5-draft-summary-for-policymakers/ For weeks, this document has been put in the hands of most every journalist that writes about climate issues, and many articles have been written about its contents. Given that much of the work done in it was publicly funded at universities, and because the […]
Spiegel Online: Pachauri to quit as IPCC chairman after his second term ends in 2015
Spiegel Online: Pachauri to quit as IPCC chairman after his second term ends in 2015 http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/09/spiegel-online-pachauri-to-quit-as-ipcc.html Google TranslateThe global environmental policy, a radical change: After eleven years in office, announces the chairman of the UN’s IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, his exit to. He’ll quit as chairman in 2015, he told SPIEGEL ONLINE. The dispute over the […]
Actual ThinkProgress headline: “Everything About Climate Change Will Be Worse For Children”
Actual ThinkProgress headline: “Everything About Climate Change Will Be Worse For Children” http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/09/actual-thinkprogress-headline-about.html Everything About Climate Change Will Be Worse For Children | ThinkProgressAri Phillips | ThinkProgressA native of Santa Fe, New Mexico, he received his bachelor of arts in philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and dual master’s degrees in journalism and […]
EPIC FAIL: Financial Times graph shows IPCC projections fail against observations
EPIC FAIL: Financial Times graph shows IPCC projections fail against observations http://junkscience.com/2013/09/23/epic-fail-financial-times-graph-shows-ipcc-projections-fail-against-observations/ The Financial Times reports: Here, we show how the projections for temperature and sea level rise set out in the fourth Assessment Report in 2007 compare with actual measurements. We can see that global average temperatures have not accelerated at the rate predicted […]
IPCC Scientist: Global Warming Pause ‘May Stubbornly Continue Until 2020 Or 2025’ — ‘Forced to concede that the models have been giving CO2 too much weight as a climate driver’
IPCC Scientist: Global Warming Pause “May Stubbornly Continue Until 2020 Or 2025″ http://www.thegwpf.org/ipcc-scientist-global-warming-pause-may-stubbornly-continue-2020-2025%e2%80%b3/ German online Spektrum.de science magazine conducted an in-depth interview with two leading international climate scientists, Professor Mojib Latif and Professor Hans von Storch. For the record, both now concede that global temperatures have indeed defied the vast array of (expensive) model projections and have not gone up in […]
Rupert Darwall: The Climate-Change Circus: UN IPCC’s ‘function is to serve as canonical texts for global-warming orthodoxy, providing an updated climate-change catechism for its followers’
Rupert Darwall: The Climate-Change Circus http://www.thegwpf.org/rupert-darwall-climate-change-circus/ The IPCC’s fifth assessment report is another politico-scientific document. by Josh For the first time, an assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be widely judged more for what it says about the IPCC than for what it says about the climate. Its 2007 predecessor […]
World Is Heading For A Heart Attack, UN Climate Expert Halldor Thorgeirsson Claims — Compares ‘the world’s consumption of fossil fuels to a patient with a weak heart eating high-fat food’
World Is Heading For A Heart Attack, UN Climate Expert Claims – – ‘likened the world’s consumption of fossil fuels to a patient with a weak heart eating high-fat food’ http://www.thegwpf.org/world-heading-heart-attack-climate-expert-claims/ Political leaders who reject urgent action to cut emissions should be punished at the ballot box because the world is heading for a “heart […]
UN IPCC Chief Pachauri says new report will ‘reassure’ ‘belief’ in AGW: ‘I don’t think there is a slowdown (in the rate of temperature increase)’ — ‘There’s definitely an increase in our belief that climate change is taking place and that human beings are responsible’ — ‘I hope that [the IPCC report] will reassure everyone that human influence is having a major impact on the Earth’s climate’
Pachauri: “I don’t think there is a slowdown (in the rate of temperature increase).” http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/09/pachauri-don-think-there-is-slowdown-in.html BBC News – Human role in warming ‘more certain’ – UN climate chief[Pachauri] also dismissed suggestions of a slowdown in global warming.”There’s definitely an increase in our belief that climate change is taking place and that human beings are responsible,” […]