Why the forthcoming UN IPCC Report is already toast
The IPCC is set to release its latest Assessment Report 5 [AR5] in about 1 month, yet the report will be dead on arrival and hopelessly out-of-date in light of recent inconvenient peer-reviewed papers published after the cut-off date for inclusion, as well as papers published before the cut-off date which the UN continues to ignore. Since almost the entire report hinges on the output of climate models, and those models have recently been falsified at a confidence level of >98% over the past 15 years, and falsified at a confidence level of 90% over the past 20 years, the entire report and its Summary for Policymakers are already invalidated even before publication. Every single one of the 73 IPCC climate models in the upcoming Report exaggerate global warming. Even the IPCC admits the models have not been validated and that they don’t even know how to validate the models. Several recent peer-reviewed papers have lowered climate sensitivity estimates to a third to one-half [or less] than assumed by the IPCC models. In addition, US & EU envoys are pressuring the UN to explain why the leaked AR5 report doesn’t explain why there has been no global warming for past 15-20 years, which no climate model predicted.
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