2013 conflict in Syria blamed on drought caused by global warming — Flashback 1933: ‘YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA – Blamed For Drought By Moslems’
(Follow Climate Depot on Twitter) As international tensions heat up over Syria, many global warming activists are trying to capitalize on the situation by blaming man-made global warming for the conflict. Specifically climate change promoters are blaming recent droughts on global warming. How Climate Change Warmed Syria Up for War — Drought allegedly caused by global warming […]
Have we progressed?! 2013: Warmists blame Syrian drought on man-made global warming — Flashback 1933: ‘YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA – Blamed For Drought By Moslems’
YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA – Blamed For Drought By Moslems BEIRUT (Syria), January 21. Drought and severe cold is disast-rously affecting the cattle in Syria,and the Moslem chiefs at Damascushave attributed the wrath of the heavens to the recent introduction of the yo-yo. They say that while the people are praying for rain to come down fromabove the yo-yo goes down, and […]
NYT warmist readers refuse to accept war/global warming links: ‘Climate change, our top global challenge, is on track to kill many millions this century, but not from wars’
To the Editor: Marshall Burke, Solomon Hsiang and Edward Miguel argue that their analysis of the literature establishes a strong link between weather and the level of violence in human society. As they know, however, this result has been met with some skepticism in specialist circles. On the other hand, there is universal agreement that […]
How Climate Change Warmed Syria Up for War — Drought allegedly caused by global warming helped create conflict – ‘So this is our mess too. We’re still cranking away at the carbon pump, and no nation is as culpable as the U.S.’
Why the forthcoming UN IPCC Report is already toast: ‘Report will be dead on arrival and hopelessly out-of-date in light of recent inconvenient peer-reviewed papers published after the cut-off date for inclusion’
Why the forthcoming UN IPCC Report is already toast http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2013/08/why-forthcoming-un-ipcc-report-is.html The IPCC is set to release its latest Assessment Report 5 [AR5] in about 1 month, yet the report will be dead on arrival and hopelessly out-of-date in light of recent inconvenient peer-reviewed papers published after the cut-off date for inclusion, as well as papers […]
Computer Says No: Nature Publishes Statistical Proof Of Global Warming Standstill
Computer Says No: Nature Publishes Statistical Proof Of Global Warming Standstill http://www.thegwpf.org/computer-no-nature-publishes-statistical-proof-global-warming-standstill/ The current generation of climate models have overestimated the observed global warming over the past 20 years and have failed to reproduce the global warming hiatus over the past fifteen years. Commentary from Nature Climate Change, by John C. Fyfe, Nathan P. Gillett, & […]
New paper appears to corroborate Spencer & Braswell’s paper on misdiagnosis of climate feedbacks
New paper appears to corroborate Spencer & Braswell’s paper on misdiagnosis of climate feedbacks http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2013/09/new-paper-appears-to-corroborate.html A paper published today in Theoretical and Applied Climatology appears to corroborate Spencer & Braswell’s 2011 paper concluding that “atmospheric feedback diagnosis of the climate system remains an unsolved problem, due primarily to the inability to distinguish between radiative forcing […]
New paper claims reduced personal income from climate policies will only make you unhappy for 1 year
New paper claims reduced personal income from climate policies will only make you unhappy for 1 year http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2013/09/new-paper-claims-reduced-personal.html A paper published today in Global Environmental Change finds that a reduction in income, such as due to climate change policies, causes unhappiness for one year, but don’t worry, after a year you’ll adapt to it and the […]
Peer Reviewed Study: Another CO2 Scare Flops – Little Impact On Tropical Corals From Acidification
Peer Reviewed Study: Another CO2 Scare Flops – Little Impact On Tropical Corals From Acidification http://www.c3headlines.com/2013/08/peer-reviewed-study-another-co2-scare-flops-little-impact-on-tropical-corals-from-acidification-.html Previous studies have come to similar conclusions. The IPCC scary predictions about harm to coral from CO2 are unfounded. Again, nature is not cooperating with the IPCC’s fear-mongering.
Scientists: The Tenuous Link between Stronger Winter Storms and Global Warming becomes Even Weaker
The Tenuous Link between Stronger Winter Storms and Global Warming becomes Even Weaker http://www.cato.org/blog/tenuous-link-between-stronger-winter-storms-global-warming-becomes-even-weaker Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger Global Science Report is a weekly feature from the Center for the Study of Science, where we highlight one or two important new items in the scientific literature or the popular media. For […]