The Times article, written by global warming enthusiast Justin Gillis, was spun to play up the perceived horrors from the AR5—that humans have caused the majority of the temperature rise since 1950 (failing to mention that the observed rise is only about 75 percent the value that it was supposed to be according to the IPCC, that the warming rate has been declining, or new studies which suggest that decreased aerosol emissions have played a significant role in the observed warming), that the sea level rise was possibly going to be large, dramatic, and dangerous (despite a plethora of new scientific findings to the contrary, see our latest Current Wisdom for example), that climate change was leading to more and more extreme weather (ignoring that climate change was probably averting more extreme weather than it was creating), and that human-caused greenhouse gas emissions were going to push temperatures rapidly upwards (brushing aside the plethora of new scientific evidence that the future temperature rise will continue to be less than expected, just as it has been for the past 50 years).