First major snow in Buenos Aires since 1918 (Note: this article from 2007)
First major snow in Buenos Aires since 1918 Thousands cheered and threw snowballs in the streets of Buenos Aires after wet snow fell for hours on Monday. The freezing spell has also extended across to Chile, Bolivia and Uruguay. Argentina’s National Weather Service said it was the first major snow in Buenos Aires since […]
Obama admin says coal use, CO2 emissions to increase by 46% from 2010-2040
Warmist Suicide Watch: Obama admin says coal use, CO2 emissions to increase by 46% from 2010-2040 The Energy Information Adminisitration reports: EIA’s recently released International Energy Outlook 2013 (IEO2013) projects that world energy consumption will grow by 56% between 2010 and 2040, from 524 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) to 820 quadrillion Btu. Most […]
CO2-induced crop failure update: “if USDA is correct American farmers will harvest their first 14 billion bushel corn crop this fall, about a billion bushels above the old record”
CO2-induced crop failure update: “if USDA is correct American farmers will harvest their first 14 billion bushel corn crop this fall, about a billion bushels above the old record” Record US Corn Production Expected to Improve Pork Industry Profitability – The Pig SiteUS – An agricultural economist with the University of Missouri expects record […]
Latimer Alder: ‘The IPCC has acted as a climatologist’s trade union, asked to evalu3ate its own members work, it has, not surprisingly given them good marks’
Latimer Alder: “The IPCC has acted as a climatologist’s trade union, asked to evaluate its own members work, it has, not surprisingly given them good marks” Making Science Public » What’s behind the battle of received wisdoms?[Latimer Alder] Among the howls of outrage I think I hear a hint of desperation. A realisation of […]
IPCC lead author Anders Levermann: “What I would say in short is that we simply put expiration dates on certain cultures, on certain societies around the globe…I personally believe that we cannot adapt to a warming of 4 or 5 degrees [C]”
IPCC lead author Anders Levermann: “What I would say in short is that we simply put expiration dates on certain cultures, on certain societies around the globe…I personally believe that we cannot adapt to a warming of 4 or 5 degrees [C]” Leaving Our Descendants A Whopping Rise in Sea Levels by Fen Montaigne: […]
New paper finds another amplification mechanism by which the Sun controls climate — Published in Quaternary Research
New paper finds another amplification mechanism by which the Sun controls climate A paper published today in Quaternary Research implies solar activity caused changes in the Asian monsoon, which in turn causes large-scale climate change over much of the globe. The paper adds to many others finding amplification mechanisms by which small changes in solar activity can […]