IPCC lead author Anders Levermann: “What I would say in short is that we simply put expiration dates on certain cultures, on certain societies around the globe…I personally believe that we cannot adapt to a warming of 4 or 5 degrees [C]”
Leaving Our Descendants A Whopping Rise in Sea Levels by Fen Montaigne: Yale Environment 360[Lead author of the sea level chapter in the upcoming fifth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Anders] Levermann: What I would say in short is that we simply put expiration dates on certain cultures, on certain societies around the globe. …I personally believe that we cannot adapt to a warming of 4 or 5 degrees [C] because the increase in extreme events and also sea level rise, combined with extreme storm surges, will simply increase the pressure on our complex societies, which might bring them to the verge of collapse.