Ouch! ‘Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats’ — Boxer’s Own Experts Contradict Obama! — ‘Skeptics & Roger Pielke Jr. totally dismantled warmism (scientifically, economically, rhetorically) — Climate Depot Round Up
Climate Depot Round Up of July 18, 2013 Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Global Warmnig Hearing: Analysis: ‘Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats’ — ‘Skeptics & Roger Pielke Jr. totally dismantled warmism (scientifically, economically, rhetorically) at today’s Senate hearing’ (via JunkScience.com) ‘Sen. Boxer’s Own Experts Contradict Obama on Climate Change’ — During yesterday’s Environment and […]
Global Crop Production Increases Threefold Over The Past 50 Years
Global Crop Production Increases Threefold Over The Past 50 Years http://www.thegwpf.org/global-crop-production-increases-threefold-50-years/ Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture made up 5 billion tons of CO2 equivalents in 2010, or 10% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, global crop production has expanded threefold over the past 50 years, largely through higher yields per unit […]
71% Of The US Below Normal Temperature in 2013
‘Sen. Boxer’s Own Experts Contradict Obama on Climate Change’
Uh oh: “Boxer’s Own Experts Contradict Obama on Climate Change” http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/07/uh-oh-own-experts-contradict-obama-on.html Boxer’s Own Experts Contradict Obama on Climate Change | Heartlander MagazineExpert witnesses called by Sen. Barbara Boxer to testify during Senate Environment and Public Works hearings Thursday contradicted a key assertion made by President Barack Obama on climate change….During Thursday’s Environment and Public Works […]
Team Obama plans August assault on ‘climate deniers,’ Obamacare ‘liars’ | WashingtonExaminer.com
Team Obama plans August assault on ‘climate deniers,’ Obamacare ‘liars’ | WashingtonExaminer.com http://washingtonexaminer.com/team-obama-plans-august-assault-on-climate-deniers-obamacare-liars/article/2533258
Analysis Shows That Arctic Sea Ice Melt Extent Mostly Occurs In Natural Cycles
Analysis Shows That Arctic Sea Ice Melt Extent Mostly Occurs In Natural Cycles http://notrickszone.com/2013/07/17/analysis-shows-that-arctic-sea-ice-melt-extent-mostly-occurs-in-natural-cycles/ What is now happening with Arctic sea ice? By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited with permission by P Gosselin) Summer is now in full swing and the Arctic sea ice that formed over the wintertime is now steadily […]
Barack Obama=BIRD KILLER! ‘Those giant wind turbines kill around 600,000 birds annually according to a recently published scholarly article in the Wildlife Society Bulletin. But the number is likely higher’
Barack Obama=BIRD KILLER! http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/NWlS/~3/c6FN7h6J9js/barack-obamabird-killer.html During the 2012 campaign we learned the President of the US ate dog when he was growing up. Now we learn years later that he is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of birds each year and if he has his way that killing will accelerate. Its not from […]