DC Court affirms Michael Mann’s right to proceed in defamation lawsuit against National Review and CEI
DC Court affirms Michael Mann’s right to proceed in defamation lawsuit against National Review and CEI: Two de… http://t.co/xFLeSD1BrS http://twitter.com/ClimateSciWatch/status/358368988780167168
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on Sen. Boxer’s key warmist expert on ocean acidification: ‘Doney’s [Senate] testimony didn’t score too high on my credibility meter’
Ocean acidification discussion thread | Climate Etc. http://judithcurry.com/2013/07/19/ocean-acidification-discussion-thread/ Curry cites Idso’s research: ‘Are coral reefs really in their last decades of existence? Will the shells of other calcifying marine life also dissolve away during our lifetimes? The NRDC film certainly makes it appear that such is the case; but a little scientific sleuthing reveals nothing […]
Billions spent in Obama climate plan may be virtually useless, study suggests — ‘A groundbreaking study by the National Research Council has warned that those kinds of subsidies are virtually useless at quelling greenhouse gases’
Billions spent in Obama climate plan may be virtually useless, study suggests | Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/18/billions-spent-in-obama-climate-plan-may-be-virtually-useless-study-suggests/#ixzz2ZWBpkp3S
Bill Clinton: ‘Nobody believes’ greenhouse gas emissions are economically necessary
Bill Clinton: ‘Nobody believes’ greenhouse gas emissions are economically necessary http://junkscience.com/2013/07/17/bill-clinton-nobody-believes-greenhouse-gas-emissions-are-economically-necessary No doubt that’s why everyone still burns fossil fuels for electricity and transportation. The Hill reports: Former President Clinton said Wednesday that confronting climate change and protecting the environment are “going to be the only way to have a sustainable economy” this century. “That […]
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer comments on Senate climate hearing: ‘Roger Pielke, Jr. was absolutely devastating in his testimony’
Senate EPW Hearing: “Climate Change: It’s Happened Before” http://www.drroyspencer.com/2013/07/senate-epw-hearing-climate-change-its-happened-before/ OK, so yesterday’s hearing really was entitled, “Climate Change: It’s Happening Now”. I like my title better. In this exceedingly rare photo of me actually cracking a smile, note my subliminal shout out to the “Coke” brothers (whom I’ve never met, btw…I don’t even know what […]
Watch Now: Global warming’s Zapruder film: Watch the video of Senate climate hearing with Spencer & Pielke Jr.
Global warming’s Zapruder film: Watch the video of yesterday’s Senate climate hearing http://junkscience.com/2013/07/19/global-warmings-zapruder-film-watch-the-video-of-yesterdays-senate-climate-hearing If you missed yesterday’s blockbuster hearing on global warming, here’s the video. Watch it before Barbara Boxer pulls it down. Click for the video.
The IPCC Chairman’s Fake Second PhD — ‘Rajendra Pachauri holds only one PhD – not two, as his official UN IPCC bio claims’
Paper finds Arctic climate & sea ice extent related to solar activity — Paper published by the Danish Meteorological Institute
Nature Magazine Hides The Decline
Nature Magazine Hides The Decline http://www.thegwpf.org/nature-magazine-hides-decline/ Why did a Nature News story use old data and not the most recent Met Office decadal forecast? Earlier this year, David Whitehouse of GWPF drew attention to a striking decrease in the UK Met Office decadal temperature forecast, that had been quietly changed by the Met Office on Christmas Eve. Whitehouse’s article led […]
The New Normal : Climate Models Say That Georgia May Get Wetter Or Drier Or Stay The Same
The New Normal: Climate Models Say That Georgia May Get Wetter Or Drier Or Stay The Same http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/the-new-normal-climate-models-say-that-georgia-may-get-wetter-or-drier-or-stay-the-same Climate change When you have regular droughts or ones over a 15-year span, when does it stop being an abnormal weather pattern and become your new climate? That’s a tough question to answer. Stooksbury said this weather […]