1910: Low CO2 such an effective forest fire suppressor that only three million acres (over 350 Yarnells] burned in a single weekend

1910: Low CO2 such an effective forest fire suppressor that only three million acres (over 350 Yarnells] burned in a single weekend http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/07/1910-low-co2-such-effective-forest-fire.html New West, Old Story – NYTimes.comAfter the Big Burn of 1910, which consumed three million acres in a weekend, the Forest Service became the fire serviceYarnell fire containment up to 45 percent; […]

Witchcraft: ‘Scary weather is coming, it’s all our fault, be afraid!’ — This is the modus operandi of the ancient witchdoctor: ‘I can stop the storms — send us your tithe’

There they go again. Last night the ABC again used taxpayer dollars to post up a slick advertisement for their favourite religion. Because Catalyst won’t read skeptical blogs, interview skeptics, or ask difficult questions, they give a false impression to any poor viewers who haven’t figured out that the presenters (in this case, Anja Taylor) […]