Congressional global warming hearing features warmist scientist vs. warmist scientist on key point of whether current Earth’s temps and weather are unprecedented
[Marc Morano Note: Video and partial transcripts of the Congressional climate debate coming soon: Warmists Scott Denning and Jim Hurrell did not agree with each other on whether current temps are unprecedented in last 1000 years or whether there was an man-made global warming signal in current weather. Hurrell was alarmist with Denning being much […]
New Study: Carbon Dioxide is innocent – peer-reviewed — ‘That’s it! The Game is up!’
Following Climate Hearing, Rep. David B McKinley declares ‘the science is not settled’: Don’t Hurt U.S. Economy Based on Ideological Agenda
Climatologist Dr. John Christy’s testimony at Congressional Global Warming Hearing: ‘Climate Change Overview in Six Slides’
Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) hosted a climate change conference in a technology park in Fairmont, W.Va. A mixed panel of warmistas and skeptics featured Marc Marano of Climate Depot, Scott Denning of Colorado State University, Jim Hurrell of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Joe Casola of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Annie Petsonk of […]
NBC News: Trace amounts of CO2 could cause ‘political instability, severe drought, famine, ecosystem collapse and other changes that make Earth a decidedly inhospitable place to live’
Wash Post Hypes Piece Declaring ‘Climate Change Is Killing Us’
RFK Jr: Religious right is a ‘climate criminal’
Submitted Written Testimony of Climate Depot’s Marc Morano at Congressional Hearing on Climate Change: ‘The Origins and Response to Climate Change’
Submitted Written Testimony of Marc Morano, Publisher of Climate Depot & former staff of U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Presented to Climate Change Summit in Fairview, West VA on May 30, 2013 – Congressman David B. McKinley, P.E. (WV-01) Congressional Field Hearing: ‘The Origins and Response to Climate Change’ Global Warming Skeptics Vindicated […]